"that's it".都有哪些意思

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/24 12:33:38

1. used to say that something has ended
Well, that's it, we've finished - we can go home now.
That's it! I'm not putting up with any more of her rudeness.

2.used to say that something is correct
You switch the computer on at the back. That's it.

这是我很经常说的一句话了,反正我都是在一件事情完成后说的。比如买完东西,当你把东西放在柜台上的时候,有时候老外会问“that's all?"就是为了确定所有东西都在这里吗?(that's all 和 that's it意思基本差不多)或者是我打电话到老外公司问些问题,当对方说的差不多后,我会问that's it?对方回答“yes”就说明事情圆满解决了

要注意的是发音规则,不是像中国一样一字一句说的那么清楚,老外说话很多都是连读,that's it 的发音听起来类似于“that 七!”,注意,这个“七”的发音很短,快而有力的说。呵呵,抱歉,音标很差,所以只能用中英结合的方法告诉你了
